Getting back into the swing of things

Hello again friends and readers.

Another week passes, and what do I have to show for it? Well quite a bit actually.

The writing is going well, and we’re back at it at full speed. Discussions of plot lines, and of course more actual writing have been done. The book is finally reaching the climax and should be ready for the first pass at editing soon. Of course I’ve been doing a bit of that when I’m not feeling particularly inspired, or if I’m not sure if the agreed upon next part should be written by myself or the co-author. Not that I couldn’t punch out a few thousand words that would be fine, but at times I think the co-author has a better notion of what should happen next, and that we haven’t discussed enough for me to work with for a scene.

That all being said this weekend was productive. Not only were they able to go back through what I had already written, but they added some details I hadn’t thought about. And of course I had to go through that myself and add things, and/or correct a few inconsistencies with the plot. Just little things really. The co-author writes at great speed and some times thinks quicker than their hand will put to page. Good thing that we have our discussions of plot lines. That means I can go back and put into place what they unintentionally missed. I’m sure I do it as well, but they do a good job covering for me as well.

Last week was another week where I was editing, and trying to fill in a bit more of the world. I started from the very beginning because my brain thought of a few lines I wanted to add. As some of you may be aware those first few words you have in a book have to hook the reader. And while I thought what we had was amusing and interesting, a bit of prose wouldn’t be out-of-place to set the scene. Originally the book took off right from the beginning without any setting, and just let the conversation that was happening lead. Now there’s slightly a bit more of the normal, this is the room, here’s what’s going on, this is what you see. That sort of stuff. But with a bit of flair. I’m not sure how else to explain it without actually writing down what we had, but it’s not time for that yet. The co-author I don’t think has even looked at it though we’ve been sharing the same document back and forth.

Another thing we’ve been thinking about is starting up a podcast. It might not even cover writing though, so I’m not sure it would fit the format of this blog.

We both are fans of anime, and we’ve had this notion a few months ago to do a show about it, but time would be a factor. Time being that I work at night and they don’t. We only usually have a few hours a week where we are both awake at the same time, and we spend most of that talking about the book already. We’ll see. I’ve done a bit of fiddling with sound and made an intro, while they were working on the logo. Also we’ve had a few topics that we’ve put together to make themes for episodes. I think we have somewhere over 10 episode topics planned already, but again time is a factor.

I’ve already liked the idea of doing a podcast, but as you can tell if you’ve followed this blog for a while I haven’t been back to do a second episode of the Oakcast. Perhaps having another person who wishes to work on that as well will motivate me to keep at it, if not we’ll likely do at least one episode, which I hope you’ll enjoy.

For now it’s time I leave you for another week. I hope you all have a good one, and I hope to report back again next time with news of these projects, or at least discuss some things I’ve been watching in the days until then.

Be well.


What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy

Outsiders-Book-Cover-RGB-web-safeClick here for a link to the book



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Link to the Deathship book in the CreateSpace store –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: 115% of first draft complete.

Steven Oaks

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