Random Things I Watched

Hello all, I’m back for yet another blog post. Hurrah!

Welp, I read and finished 6 books since last week. YAY? I suppose. Holiday weeks do tend to make me in the reading mood. However I’m fairly sure at least a few of these here books were shorter than my normal fair. Speaking of reading, so far this year I’ve finished 209. Ah, a bit slower than last years 280… oh well.

So, what have I been watching? Well there’s this guy on YouTube called NileRed… or NileBlue if you want. I’ve been binging his stuff. Chemistry experiments…. And the first one I watched was Toilet Paper into Moonshine… neat.

Then there was the Netflix cartoon for kids, Dogs In Space. Is it good? Sure. But is it worth your time? Eh… if you’re in the mood for it. I’ve enjoyed it. Just a silly kids show about how humans genetically engendered dogs to hunt for a new planet for them because humans destroyed their own. There’s some great voice acting, and most of the episodes I’ve watched have been entertaining, so that’s good.

Next Samantha and I decided to give a Korean series we found on Netflix a try. It’s called A Korean Odyssey. It starts off with a little girl who can see monsters being asked to go into a ghost building that no one else can see to retrieve a fan. But she meets someone inside, and they make a deal that he will protect her, all she needs to do is call his name and he will come. She agrees and frees him. Once free, he steals the memory of his name from her so she can’t ask for his help and leaves her alone. Many years later the little girl is a woman now, and uses her ability to see monsters to help people, and turn a profit. Eventually the freed monster that stole his name from her mind returns, and shenanigans ensue. The show is silly and over the top,(Of course, it’s a Korean drama, that’s what they do), and the random sound effects certainly don’t help the audience take anything seriously. However I had fun. I like some bizarre stuff, and this is it. Samantha on the other hand thought it was too wacky to want to continue to watch it. We’ll see if we continue.

I also did some editing. It went well, and I’m getting closer and closer to the end. Neat. I did mess around a bit more this time, I had to change several things around to make a sentence more understandable, but otherwise it read decently.

And that’s all I have for you this time. Have a great week.


You Must Be Drunk link to the Amazon store here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X8KH6WM

What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy


Click here for a link to the book



Link to my author page on Amazon – http://www.amazon.com/Steven-Oaks/e/B00MEGSEZ6

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you. https://www.patreon.com/StevenOaks

Update: You Must Be Drunk is published. Find it here. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X8KH6WM. Did some writing, up to around 115% into the first draft, just doing some editing first before I write the last chapter.

Steven Oaks

Follow me on the things below.



Hello again. Here is another week, so here I am with another blog post.

First up, how many books did I finish reading since last time. 1, 2, 3, 4… 4 hahaha. Anyway, yeah, I finished four books. Nothing too serious this time, as I’m not really in the mood just yet, and nothing from previous authors who write like that, and I like, have come out since last week.

SOOOO, cat issues. And by issues I mean the cat had to be taken to the vet. And I don’t mean just a check up, nor do I mean in the day. NO, emergency vet visit in the middle of the night. I won’t go into the gross details or anything, but suffice it to say she lives, and is suffering in the cone of shame.

And now to adaptations. First up is Wheel of Time. Amazon has put some effort into this adaptation, but is it any good? Well as a fan of the books I can say, it’s alright. Honestly it’s a little dull, and no one really has a personality that stands out. Mat is getting there, but everyone else is the brooding type. Casting? I don’t know, I think they missed a trip by making it such a diverse raced cast for the Twin Rivers. Really only Rand should be different, him being very tall and a red head. Had they stuck with just one race, whatever that would be, I would say it would line up more with the books. I could be mistaken, but I can only recall the Seanchan being very dark skinned. The only reason I think it makes a difference is how it showed that the world had been “Shattered” and everyone was scattered about. I’ll continue to watch the show for now, as it’s not a huge deal save for world building. All in all the show hasn’t really caught my attention yet. The acting is fine for what it is, the casting is the same. It’s just not very engaging.

The next adaptation is Cowboy Bebop. Now mind you I’ve only watched the first episode. However I found it fun, fast paced, and engaging. Was it just like the anime? Nope. Was it true to the world? So far, I’d say yes. It’s a little more lighthearted than the show usually is, but if you take the wackiest versions that you would have seen from say Mushroom Samba, or Toys in the Attic, it’s fairly accurate. The casting is pretty good, though I think Spike could be played a bit “Cooler” than he is. Again, this feels like the wackiest version of everyone, and they are hamming it up a bit. At least that’s how it appears to me after only one episode. I’ll report back if I decide to watch more. I was simply curious to see if they could do the anime justice, and since it’s okay, maybe I’ll just stick to the original. After all it’s the best.

So I did some editing. Of course. I worked on it a bit longer than usual, so I’ve gotten ahead of schedule. Still not entirely sure when this pass through will be complete, nor how long it’ll take another set of eyes to do the same. But progress has been made! I’m still liking it, and the changes were minimal this time.

That’s all I have for now. I hope you all have a great week.


You Must Be Drunk link to the Amazon store here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X8KH6WM

What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy


Click here for a link to the book



Link to my author page on Amazon – http://www.amazon.com/Steven-Oaks/e/B00MEGSEZ6

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you. https://www.patreon.com/StevenOaks

Update: You Must Be Drunk is published. Find it here. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X8KH6WM. Did some writing, up to around 115% into the first draft, just doing some editing first before I write the last chapter.

Steven Oaks

Follow me on the things below.


A boring week, But I have water?

Hello again friends. I’m back. So let’s get this show on the road.

I finished reading 4 books last week. So that’s good. One of which just sparked something in me. I need more grumpy old guys telling off younger folk in my books. I found it hilarious. I think I’ll hunt some more down, but we’ll see. I’ve only ever found a handful over the years, but each time I enjoy it.

As to watching things. Well, not much to say. We didn’t get a chance to watch any movies or anything, so it was mostly YouTube again. High Guardian Spice reviews are rather hilarious/scathing, so that’s fun. I’ve not sat down to watch the show so I can’t say much about it other than visually it doesn’t appeal to me. I’m thinking it’s just about time to watch a fair amount of Alan Smithee films. Alan Smithee(as a director) doesn’t exist. It’s a name put on films when the actual director wishes to disown the film. So bad movies… yes, give me more. Then again I love a film with heart, from direction to acting to set design and so on… that just fails. Maybe it’s time to start watching bad Hallmark films next… who knows? Ghost Cat was pretty close.

I did some editing, and it’s going just as well this week as last. I did spend a bit more time changing some words around for my own OCD standards. I hate using the same word twice in a row, or even the same paragraph… yeah, I’m sure it’s okay for most people, but I don’t like repetition. Otherwise I’m still making progress, so there’s that.

Honestly I didn’t do much this week. At work the water got shut off due to a water main leak/break, so port-a-potty’s were used all night…. Not fun, not fun at all. Hand washing stations were just as bizarre. Foot pump water! Yay! And supposedly the water to the apartment is going to be shut off for a few hours today, so I’m not looking forward to that. I’ve already gathered all the needed water just in case it isn’t turned back on by the time I get up. Ah modern conveniences… at least I don’t have to dig a well, or worry about a septic tank going crazy on me.

Anyway, that’s all I have for you this time. I hope you all have a great week.


You Must Be Drunk link to the Amazon store here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X8KH6WM

What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy


Click here for a link to the book



Link to my author page on Amazon – http://www.amazon.com/Steven-Oaks/e/B00MEGSEZ6

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you. https://www.patreon.com/StevenOaks

Update: You Must Be Drunk is published. Find it here. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X8KH6WM. Did some writing, up to around 115% into the first draft, just doing some editing first before I write the last chapter.

Steven Oaks

Follow me on the things below.


Ghost Cat

Hello there friends. I’m back once more for the weekly post.

So yeah, I only finished one book this week. I told you it was a long one. Was it good? Yup. A fine read, and it held my attention.

So what else was I up to? Well I watched a movie. Oh lord. It was called Ghost Cat. What can I say about it. It was a series of events that was filmed, therefore a movie. It was made by Animal Planet, so you already know it’s going to be good. But the cast? Ellen Page? Sure. The guy who played Rogue’s boyfriend in the beginning of the first X-Men movie? Why not. How about a grumpy old cat that really doesn’t want to be there. Yup! Was the movie entertaining? No. Was it fun to watch and make fun of. Indeed it was. Making up your own story to play along side a movie that needs some help is always a great time. So with Ghost Cat and Vampire Dog watched, what random animal monster shall I watch next? Who knows.

Also I finished watching Lucifer. Sad that it’s over, but yeah, it was time. I wasn’t really as entertained with the show these last two seasons as I was with it in the beginning. But I think it concluded things quite nicely. Convoluted sure, but everyone seems to be where they should be… At least at the very end.

As for writing/editing, I’m still working on it. I think things are going well, if a little slow. At least I’m more than halfway through the book. So it shouldn’t be too much longer until I pass it off for someone else to review.

So that’s all I have for you right now. I hope you have a great week.


You Must Be Drunk link to the Amazon store here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X8KH6WM

What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy


Click here for a link to the book



Link to my author page on Amazon – http://www.amazon.com/Steven-Oaks/e/B00MEGSEZ6

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you. https://www.patreon.com/StevenOaks

Update: You Must Be Drunk is published. Find it here. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X8KH6WM. Did some writing, up to around 115% into the first draft, just doing some editing first before I write the last chapter.

Steven Oaks

Follow me on the things below.


Rewatching, and Listening to Music

Hello friends. I’m back again, obviously. So let’s see what I can come up with?

Welp, it looks like I only finished reading two books last week. Well shucks. That’s about a new low for me since I really got back into things. Hrm, I know these two weren’t that long, however the one I’m reading right now is about 5 times their length each. So maybe that’s why. I’ll probably one have the one book finished by next week at this rate… ah well.

Well, let’s talk about what I watched. It was mostly YouTube that was new to me. RedLetterMedia did their Halloween best of the worst, and it was fun. I kind of want to watch Don’t Panic now. It sounded bizarre. That and I’ve been making my way through the last couple of seasons of Lucifer. Decent show. Otherwise it was re-watches. Once more Velocipastor made it’s way to our screen… was it good… NO. Was it funny the second time around, KINDA. The same thing happened with Sorceress. Was it a good movie? NO. Though it tried really hard to be a good one unlike Velocipastor, so I give it points for that. However the second time around it wasn’t nearly as enjoyable as the first time. It’s surprises are what makes it charming. Still fun though the second time around.

I also went on a little drive this weekend. I had to pick something up from the store, so unlike usual I put on some music. Most times when I drive it’ll be a podcast that I’m listening to. However I felt the need for music. Well, let me tell you it was a wonderful experience. I haven’t sat down to listen to a song or anything in awhile. And since I’ve updated my phone to something new semi recently it hadn’t gotten used to the normal stuff I listen too, so when I put it on shuffle, it really was random. WOW, I had no idea I had some of these songs. It was great, and even after I returned home I listened to more music out on the balcony. A lovely little day I say.

Otherwise I did some editing/writing. The story is coming along nicely, so there’s that. Though it’s a slow process, I sometimes get more joy out of editing than writing. I think it’s mostly because of how much it takes it out of me to write. But so far I’m still liking what I have written, so the book continues to stride forward to completion.

That’s all I have for you this time. I hope you all have a great week.


You Must Be Drunk link to the Amazon store here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X8KH6WM

What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy


Click here for a link to the book



Link to my author page on Amazon – http://www.amazon.com/Steven-Oaks/e/B00MEGSEZ6

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you. https://www.patreon.com/StevenOaks

Update: You Must Be Drunk is published. Find it here. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X8KH6WM. Did some writing, up to around 115% into the first draft, just doing some editing first before I write the last chapter.

Steven Oaks

Follow me on the things below.
