Reading Apps


Howdy folks. How are you all? I’m fine, and it draws closer to my day of birth. Neat.

So anyway I wanted to talk about three programs I’m using to read things.

First is the traditional Kindle app. Now I’ve read several books on this, and it does a really decent job of it. You can select font sizes, colors and the like. You can do that on many things, but this one also recalls where you left off, and if you have it on different phones or tablets, or even the website, you can pick up where you left off. However I’ve found it lags. It takes longer than the other two to open, and the first time you try to turn the page it hangs for a bit before turning. But it also has interesting features. I’ve started reading Wool, and in this version it has animated pictures and other multimedia options. However since it is such a big file it slows down the app even further. You can turn it off and read it as simple text, but I think something went wrong when I downloaded it to my phone, and I find several pages missing, and the animated images tend not to load as well. So if I perhaps re-download it might clear up. Also it lags for me a bit more when connected to the internet. But it also has the added benefit of being able to purchase the audio version alongside the text version and it can usually sync up with where you left off reading and switch to the audio and listen instead when you want.

The next one is the Google Play Books app. This one offers all the font and color changes you want, and keeps track of your progress. And something that I haven’t tried on the kindle app is that you can share certain books with the google play family group. You just set up a family group, add some people, I can’t recall how many you can add, and share the books that allow it. It also can share movies and apps that you’ve purchased, but only those that allow it. The other thing about this app is that it’s quick. It opens almost instantly, at least for me, and doesn’t seem to lag. Now both kindle and Play books allows you to read off-line if you’ve already downloaded the books to your device, but unlike the kindle app it doesn’t take time loading if you’re connected to the internet. Also certain books allow you to turn on your text-to-speech program and read the books to you. It’s not all, but it is an interesting feature.

The last one I’ll talk about is FBReader. This one is very nice, and quick. All the font and color changes you’d want, but it doesn’t keep track of where you are to other devices. The book you are reading is the one on whatever device you are on, so if you switch to a different one you’ll have to locate manually where you left off. However it has many sources you can search from and purchase if you go looking. Also you can find certain books for free and download them. The catch is it is sometimes hard to locate a specific book, and it doesn’t always have the most recent books, or even books you might be interested in. But on the plus side I’ve found you can always get your devices text-to-speech program to read any book you get here. You can also add any document you might have to this app, and read it when ever you want. It has a decently easy file-tree you can use to search your device for files, and it can read almost any format. This is the quickest opening app, but its limited library, and the slowness and difficulty of searching for books make it the one I use only when I happen to have a text file or the like that I want to read on the go.

So currently my favorite reading app is google play books. But for reading most things I’m using kindle simply because the selection and prices are generally slightly better. That being said google will sometimes offer discounts or coupons more often, so I purchase there more often that I would otherwise. FBReader I only use when I find a free book on there, or when I want to read what I’ve written or have on hand.

And that’s all folks. I hope you have a great week, and I’ll see you here next Monday.

What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy

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Link to my author page on Amazon – h

Link to the Deathship book in the CreateSpace store –

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Update: 82% of first draft complete.

Steven Oaks

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Still watching things


Welcome back friends and readers.

And again seven days have passed, and a week was lived. Thus many hours older, and hopefully wiser I return to you, with a week’s worth of living.

What is it that I have to tell? I’m sure many things, but I must know my audience otherwise I would bore you with conversation of cartoons and movies that I’ve watched, and books I’ve read. Oh wait, I do that all the time.

First of all I’ve finished Joe Abercrombie’s First Law trilogy. It was an interesting read, as at first I hated some of the characters and liked others. Then as the story progressed I started liking the ones I hated, and hating the ones I liked. By the end of the books I felt more akin to the most cruel of the main protagonists, and the others I could care less about. Now I move on to read Wool, and we’ll see how that goes.

As for what I’ve watched. Well I didn’t watch any movies because I was so enthralled by the South Korean drama Goblin. Dang was that show good. I felt a similar feeling I got when I watched Highlander, as there are immortal beings in the story, and it tells of their struggles living in a world filled with mortals. It was at times a hilarious comedy, and at others a tragic love story. I loved it, and I highly recommend it.

And then I’ve also began watching Steven Universe. I had seen the first episode years ago and hated it. But as people kept mentioning it, and recommending it I finally gave in and gave it another go. Skipping the first episode I found that the show is very good. Slice of life, with deeper tales hidden in each episode. As I’m not caught up, and have only just started into the second season I can’t say too much for the over arching plot, but I can say each episode has had its charm so far. I’d give it a watch if I were you, though perhaps skip the first episode.

And with that I shall take my leave. Have a good week!

What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy

Outsiders-Book-Cover-RGB-web-safeClick here for a link to the book



Link to my author page on Amazon – h

Link to the Deathship book in the CreateSpace store –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: 81% of first draft complete.

Steven Oaks

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Foreign TV


Hello and welcome.

Just as last time, this time another week has come and gone. I’ve written, and have edited. The book continues, and I’m happy.

Now usually I watch a bit of anime, and have done so. I’ve finished the previous season’s anime I had been following, and the few that I watched were decent enough. Nothing to stand out too much, though World End was surprisingly good. Now I’m on to a fresh batch, at least a few. I’ve already dropped a couple after a single episode. Poor pacing and world building will do that.

I also regularly watch a few movies over the weekend, and wound up watching The Sword and Sorcerer with Rifftrax. What a terrible movie, but  yet still very entertaining. Mostly because of the humorous commentary, and of course the addition of my own and another. Would I recommend it even as a bad movie? No, not really. There are better bad movies to enjoy, like ROTOR.

Also I seem to be getting into South Korean moves and tv dramas. Over the last couple of weekends I’ve watched four, and I find them charming. The one that really sticks out to me is Secretly, Greatly. A North Korean spy makes his way into the south and uses the cover of being mentally challenged as his disguise. I mostly like it because of the way they show a certain care for the north even though they are separated by conflict.

As for TV dramas, right now I’m really getting into Goblin. Cursed to walk the earth as an immortal divine creature, sword stuck through his chest, a man searches for his death that can only be given by what is called the Goblin Bride. The one that will pull the sword free and end his immortal life. It starts out very action orientated, then becomes a drama. I should mention a grim reaper shows up and begins living with the Goblin. It’s humorous and tragic at the same time. Lots of fun, and many tears to be had. It’s not the only one I’m watching, but it’s the one I’m focused on right now.

But that’s all for now folks. I hope you have a good week.

What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy

Outsiders-Book-Cover-RGB-web-safeClick here for a link to the book



Link to my author page on Amazon – h

Link to the Deathship book in the CreateSpace store –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: 78.5% of first draft complete.

Steven Oaks

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The book progresses

Greetings friends and readers alike.

This previous week was a bit more productive than many others. The co-author did most of the work, and I spent most of my time reading through and discussing with them what they had written. They did a fantastic job, and there was little for me to complain about or edit.

I did my own writing, and I’m pleased with it. We are doing some good work. I hope when it’s finished you will all like it as well.

Otherwise it was a fairly normal week. Watched a bit more anime, as is my habit, and finally finished the second season of Attack on Titan. Like the first season it seemed to start out slowly, close to being boring, but by the time I was getting near the end I wound up marathoning them. I couldn’t wait to see what happened next, and was hopeful that we’d be getting some explanations about the world. There were some things answered, but mostly we are still in the dark about most things. Come on guys, go back to Eren’s basement, jeez.

As it is I’m pleased with the world right now. Things could always be better, but of course it could be worse. I’m writing. I’m exercising. And I’m having a good time at home.

Until next time, have a good week.


What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy

Outsiders-Book-Cover-RGB-web-safeClick here for a link to the book



Link to my author page on Amazon – h

Link to the Deathship book in the CreateSpace store –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: 77% of first draft complete.

Steven Oaks

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Just an Update

Howdy everyone. I hope this post finds you well.

Well, not that anyone cares, not really, but it turns out my daily walks are closer to 20miles than the 10miles I thought they were. No wonder my legs ache everyday.

Anyway, I’ve been writing, as per usual. As has the other author. We’ve worked out a few things in conversations, and we push ahead. So while we may have slowed somewhat from what we were doing previously, we are still pushing forward.

What else have I done this previous week? Well, I finished a couple of anime, but nothing too noteworthy, just enjoyable. Not too much else has happened, and I’m fairly tired, as per usual.

Finished reading another book, and have started on the sequel. The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie. Did I think it was good? It was okay, and the first part I didn’t like it all that much. It got better near the end, and so far the second book has that same feel. So I’ll finish it, as I purchased all three at once simply because I wanted something to read. Oh well, at least it’s better than other books I’ve read.

So I’ll leave you with that. I hope you have a great week, I’ll be back next Monday.


What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy

Outsiders-Book-Cover-RGB-web-safeClick here for a link to the book



Link to my author page on Amazon – h

Link to the Deathship book in the CreateSpace store –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: 73% of first draft complete.

Steven Oaks

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