Research, and Reading

Whew, a long day of writing. Doing research on past cultures, and trying to make sense of all the information the internet has on subjects takes a lot of time. And it’s not like I was writing a historical piece, it was only for a scene, or an explanation of things in the past.

I think it’s my favorite part of writing though. When I can intertwine reality with the fiction I’m writing I think it makes what I write come alive. I could easily just write a completely fictitious universe, such as fantasy does at times, but I think it makes it difficult to empathize with the characters at times.

Other writers do wonderful jobs at making us feel what the characters do, but it’s easier when you have a point of reference. At times the only reference you have is that they are people, and then you have to build up a large universe, and then explain it, just so you understand a characters point of view. That is a lot of effort, and I applaud anyone who writes like that.

Speaking of which, I just got done reading Uprooted by Naomi Novik. A completely fictional world, and you find easily that you care about the main character, you even sympathise with the villain at the end. I don’t think I’ll say much more about it, but it has made me want to read other books written by her. In fact I started His Majesty’s Dragon last night, and I’m probably half way through it. I stayed up almost until 2am because I couldn’t put it down. I had to force myself to get some sleep. Once you meet the dragon, there’s no going back, and I’m itching to start reading again. If the whole series is like this I’ll probably have it all read by the end of next month. All eight books!

It has been awhile since I’ve really sat down and read, mostly I listen to audiobooks while I do other things, but I’m really enjoying the written word. The voices you give to each character makes it more personal then having it read by someone else. The only exception in my opinion is when the author reads it. They may not have the best voices for doing so, but you can hear more meanings in the words they meant to have than you can get from anyone else reading it. Mind you when it comes to audiobooks, there is no better pair than those who read the Wheel of time series, and then that wonderful man who has read all of the Song of Ice and Fire series(Game of Thrones). They made those worlds alive, and the tears I shed when I realized they wouldn’t be reading any more of the Wheel of Time as the last words of the last book came from their lips, that was sad. Then again they read at least The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson, and it was almost like coming home to hear them again.

Alright, I’ll end here today. Apparently I’m passionate about books. I hope you find good ones to read. Maybe one of them will be mine.

What I’ve published

Outsider Trilogy

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Link to the Deathship book in the CreateSpace store –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: 1,106 words written for the latest book. RESEARCH.

“You’d be amazed how much research you can get done when you have no life whatsoever.”
― Ernest Cline

Steven Oaks

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Sports? Not for me.

Humans are interesting. Things like sports and tv shows we tend to get rather attached to it. Entertainment becomes more important than most other things at some point, and we get emotionally invested in lives not our own.

Sports for instance has always confused me. Sure I enjoy playing some game, and then try my best to win, but what I don’t understand is how people can be so involved in others playing. It makes no sense to me, and yet apparently it’s important to others. Somehow team spirit is a thing, and they feel they are apart of a team, even when they do nothing, save perhaps supporting them financially.

So I’m not apart of any of that. I don’t watch sports, racing, or anything like it. To me it’s as inconsequential as talking about the weather, when I don’t care about it. And yet I’m a huge fan of things like Doctor Who and anime. I don’t dress up or anything, I just look forward to the next episode. I even invite friends over to watch these shows. And I really have a great time. Mostly from either making fun of the things done wrong in them, or discussing the topics they bring up.

So I’m at a loss as how to talk to people when they want to talk about the latest sports ball game. I could just say I don’t care, but that tends to lead to them explaining the game to me. I already know the rules, and I can appreciate the athleticism it involves, it just doesn’t do anything for me. The only sport I might care to watch is Sumo Wrestling. Mostly because I find it culturally interesting. I could pretend I care, but that’d be a lie. Usually I just nod my head, and say nothing. My usual defence against offending others.

To me this just goes to show how different we all are. We pick things we care about, then we stand fast by them. I’ll never care about sports, unless I’m playing, and likely many won’t care about the latest sci-fi book or TV show I watch. That’s just people, we have things that are important to us, but we can’t expect others to have the same feeling about it.

What I’ve published

Outsider Trilogy

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Link to my author page on Amazon – h

Link to the Deathship book in the CreateSpace store –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: 1,011 words written for the latest book. I was out of the house yesterday so I didn’t get a chance to write, but today’s effort was rewarding.

“People always ask me if I’m into sports, and I say, “Well, isn’t writing a sport? If you’re doing it right, and you have a deadline, you should be sweating.”
― Jarod Kintz

Steven Oaks

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Back to writing, and enjoying anime

Today I was able to get back into the groove of writing again. Once more I had a conversation, and it helped illuminate a few paths. I think I know how this is all going to end now. It’s going to take some time, and probably several thousands words, but I’ll get there.

So obviously yesterday I donated plasma again, and as I said, it was not a horrible experience. But afterwards I had a friend over, and we watched an old anime I enjoy. Blue Seed. It’s silly, and perhaps not the best thing ever, but I still enjoy it. I’ve seen it many times over the years. Heck, I still have it on VHS. The original artist also did one of my favorite series, 3×3 Eyes. Both anime’s are excellent, but if I were to be honest about it, 3×3 Eyes is probably the better of the two.

Now I’ve not read the manga for Blue Seed, so I can’t tell you how it compares there, but what I do know is that 3×3 Eyes is a fantastic manga. And it’s long too. So if you have the time, and already enjoy manga or anime, give it a read.

Basically, the book is back on track, and I still love anime.

What I’ve published

Outsider Trilogy

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Link to my author page on Amazon – h

Link to the Deathship book in the CreateSpace store –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: 1,079 words written for the latest book.

“Books can also provoke emotions. And emotions sometimes are even more troublesome than ideas. Emotions have led people to do all sorts of things they later regret-like, oh, throwing a book at someone else.”
― Pseudonymous Bosch

Steven Oaks

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Donating again

Today I went back to donate plasma. Surprisingly it was a good experience. The person who put the needle in was the best there. Since it had been almost a year since last time I had to see the nurse, and I was good. After which it only took half an hour to drain me. That’s quick in comparison to most people. All in all a good days work.
If you haven’t noticed all my books are still priced lower than previously, so give them a look.


Take big bites!

What do you look forward to most? Is it being alone? Is it spending time with friends? Could it be food or drink? Or is it something else? Why do we always wish for more?

My week is usually amusing, so most days I’m content with whatever I’m doing. I will admit to longing for days where I can have a bit of company, usually involving watching something silly, and laughing at it. Or it could just be interesting conversations, when neither of us are tired or irritable. I admit to being the irritable type, though that has gone down over the years.

However I’ve noticed an unhealthy trend in myself. I want food. I’m not talking a nice dinner or meal, I’m talking about I sincerely want to gorge. This isn’t helpful when I’m trying to maintain, or possibly lose a few pounds. I’ve indulged in this behaviour for the last several weeks by eating an entire pizza by myself. Admittedly it isn’t some massive thing you can order. But while they are large, they are cheap, and I can easily consume them, and be filled to the brim for hours.

Today my craving is for miniature corn-dogs. I have no idea why. I’m trying to stop myself from running to the store and getting them, along with a large bottle of mustard, but I fear I will give in. The way I justify my actions is by not eating lunch. My breakfasts aren’t large, so I feel safe eating that. It’s always oatmeal in a small bowl, and sometimes I even have a tiny amount of sugar and cinnamon on it.

I assume I’m doing this as some sort of emotional response, but I feel fine, if just a bit stressed. So I’m unsure why. Perhaps coming from a family that at get togethers prided themselves on being able to consume more than others has something to do with that. But at least I got my run in today. 5k all the way.

However, life is about living. If you enjoy something, do it, save if it breaks autonomy. So I suppose I just talked myself into going to the store. At least I exercise and don’t do this everyday. Modest meals for the daily living, then glorious gluttony when the week is done.

What I’ve published



Outsider Trilogy

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Link to my author page on Amazon – h

Link to the Deathship book in the CreateSpace store –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: I’m giving today to pondering the next part in my book. I’ve reviewed several pages, so I’ve not stopped working. But I’m trying to tighten the story before I write the conclusion.

“Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks.”

― Robert A. Heinlein
Robert A. Heinlein

Steven Oaks

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Measuring Success

How does one measure success? Is by the money you have in the bank, or all the things you own? I would say no. So how do you do so then?

I’d say it’s by the things you accomplish. If your accomplishment is have a bunch of money, fine, but I think there are better things to work towards in this life. Such as creating something new in this world. This is why I do what I do. I write, because I’m creating new worlds.

Certainly everything new comes from something old, but like the alphabet, we use those pieces to shape new sentences, and new experiences for others. I feel accomplished when I have a good day of writing. I feel accomplished when I get some task done around the house that needs doing. I like it best when I can figure some interesting solution to a problem that’s been bothering me for a while. Hence why I like being a bit of a handy man around my home.

My success is that I’ve written, and continue to do so. What yours might be, well, that’s up to you. So you can measure it anyway you want, but really you won’t be able to compare it to another’s. We all have different priorities. So when you see someone who isn’t making huge sums of money, but still seems happy, that doesn’t mean they aren’t successful. It means that had other things they thought were important to work towards.

We can never compare our lives to another. That just leads to misunderstandings and suffering. You’ll start working towards impossible goals, and when you realize you can’t achieve them, you’ll be miserable.

So success is measured by the individual. Don’t push your views on another, and don’t compare lives. We are all unique, and so are our successes.

Click here for a link to the book

What I’ve published



Outsider Trilogy


Link to my author page on Amazon – h

Link to the Deathship book in the CreateSpace store –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: 1,059 words written for the newest novel. Had a good day watching anime with a friend last night, but I had to mow before that. So it was a half decent day I suppose.

“Have no fear of perfection – you’ll never reach it.”
― Salvador Dalí

Steven Oaks

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Today’s Special!

Today, in honor of my son’s birthday, I celebrate with you by releasing all of the Outsider Trilogy as a single ebook. Specially priced so that you can easily purchase the entirety of it. Also, I have reduced the price for the three novels themselves.

I wrote these books because of my son Keir, and now they are even easier to come by. I do hope you enjoy.

The artist also made a cover for the trilogy, and it is something that brings me great joy, so I shall share it with you here.


Click here for a link to the book

What I’ve published



Outsider Trilogy

Deatship - Book 1 of the Outsider SeriesStarship - Book 2 of the Outsider SeriesPageflex Persona [document: PRS0000039_00072]

Link to my author page on Amazon – h

Link to the Deathship book in the CreateSpace store –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: Off to celebrate the memory of my son. I hope he would have been proud.

“There is still no cure for the common birthday.”
― John Glenn

Steven Oaks

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Tomorrow, it’ll be here soon enough.

Sorry for yesterday not having a post. I woke up early and started editing, and writing new things for the book, but I was called away. Today I’m focus on tomorrow, so not much writing has been done either. However, tomorrow should excite some. I know I’m excited.

So today I woke up, and straight from bed I pulled on my running gear. I headed out the door, and did my 5k again. It had been awhile, but it wasn’t too difficult. I imagine the next time I go out it’ll be tougher, it always is after your legs haven’t recovered from the first day. Listened to a podcast while doing it, and it was actually quite nice.

I’d already been feeling like my weight was slipping, what with all the food I eat, but yesterday I was weighed, and that was the last straw. Looks like I’m back on the bandwagon for running. If I can work it in, I’ll still see about riding my bike again. The trail is open once more, but it has been so hot and rainy I haven’t had a chance to go. I’d like to do it at least once before the year is up.

I did do some writing today, but mostly I reviewed what I have already. I don’t have the time again today, but at least I did something. I hope tomorrow it’ll be better. If I get back from where I’m going for lunch in time, and if it isn’t too hot, I’ll mow again. Cursed grass, always growing!

What I’ve published



The Outsider Series

Deatship - Book 1 of the Outsider SeriesStarship - Book 2 of the Outsider SeriesPageflex Persona [document: PRS0000039_00072]

Link to my author page on Amazon – h

Link to the Deathship book in the CreateSpace store –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: a few changes, and a few words written for the new book.

“Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”
― L.M. Montgomery

Steven Oaks

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A good day’s writing

I think I’m over the confusion of yesterday. Certainly I was unhappy with the type of world our main character wound up in, but it seems to be working today.

I think the real reason it is, is because I tried reading aloud yesterday’s effort, and it flowed so smoothly. I was reading aloud what I wrote today as I went, and goodness me, it was almost no effort to write the thousand words. I had to stop myself from going on, as if you over do it you can easily write yourself into corner. You need time to think about what you wrote, and what you want to happen next.

I think today was another one of those few days when I’m super excited by what I wrote, and have written. Most days I’m just slogging away, hoping that tomorrow I’ll like it more. I usually do, but that doesn’t help me write the day’s words.

I’ll mention again what I’ve heard other authors say. When you go back and read what you’ve written after several weeks have passed, you can’t tell which were the good days, and which were the bad. They all flow together. It’s just a matter of editing. An editor can’t tell either, and I’ve never noticed it in other writers. It’s all a story, and as long as it doesn’t jump around too much, there’s nothing to complain about.

In the end, I’m very happy today. I love writing, and I can’t wait to get back to it Monday. Tomorrow I’m gonna be away from the house, so I’ll not be doing too much. Yet I’ve got something else I have to write before I call it quits today. I hope my small audience likes it.

What I’ve published



The Outsider Series

Deatship - Book 1 of the Outsider SeriesStarship - Book 2 of the Outsider SeriesPageflex Persona [document: PRS0000039_00072]

Link to my author page on Amazon – h

Link to the Deathship book in the CreateSpace store –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: 1,023 words written for the new book.

“A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.”
― Thomas Mann

Steven Oaks

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The World Turns

I’m not sure how I feel about today’s writing. It took a turn I’m not sure I like. The world isn’t how I imagined it would be, but it makes a kind of sense. I’ll just have to see if I can work with it.

It’s funny how a story will have a mind of its own. At first I thought it was just characters with personalities, but now it’s the whole world. Maybe I’ll have to sit down and have a conversation again and straighten this all out. Then again I’ve been able to write with ease everything since the last time. This probably won’t stop me, though I’m kind of hesitant to continue on with this particular kind of thing.

Eventually I’ll have to figure out which direction I want this all to go, and stick to my guns. I’ve let characters run around and do their own thing before, and it took several thousand words to get them in line. At least my word count will be happy.

Now it’s time to get back to work. Have a great day.

What I’ve published



The Outsider Series

Deatship - Book 1 of the Outsider SeriesStarship - Book 2 of the Outsider SeriesPageflex Persona [document: PRS0000039_00072]

Link to my author page on Amazon – h

Link to the Deathship book in the CreateSpace store –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: 1,023 words written for the new book.

“People often claim to hunger for truth, but seldom like the taste when it’s served up.”
― George R.R. Martin

Steven Oaks

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