Rewatching, and Listening to Music

Hello friends. I’m back again, obviously. So let’s see what I can come up with?

Welp, it looks like I only finished reading two books last week. Well shucks. That’s about a new low for me since I really got back into things. Hrm, I know these two weren’t that long, however the one I’m reading right now is about 5 times their length each. So maybe that’s why. I’ll probably one have the one book finished by next week at this rate… ah well.

Well, let’s talk about what I watched. It was mostly YouTube that was new to me. RedLetterMedia did their Halloween best of the worst, and it was fun. I kind of want to watch Don’t Panic now. It sounded bizarre. That and I’ve been making my way through the last couple of seasons of Lucifer. Decent show. Otherwise it was re-watches. Once more Velocipastor made it’s way to our screen… was it good… NO. Was it funny the second time around, KINDA. The same thing happened with Sorceress. Was it a good movie? NO. Though it tried really hard to be a good one unlike Velocipastor, so I give it points for that. However the second time around it wasn’t nearly as enjoyable as the first time. It’s surprises are what makes it charming. Still fun though the second time around.

I also went on a little drive this weekend. I had to pick something up from the store, so unlike usual I put on some music. Most times when I drive it’ll be a podcast that I’m listening to. However I felt the need for music. Well, let me tell you it was a wonderful experience. I haven’t sat down to listen to a song or anything in awhile. And since I’ve updated my phone to something new semi recently it hadn’t gotten used to the normal stuff I listen too, so when I put it on shuffle, it really was random. WOW, I had no idea I had some of these songs. It was great, and even after I returned home I listened to more music out on the balcony. A lovely little day I say.

Otherwise I did some editing/writing. The story is coming along nicely, so there’s that. Though it’s a slow process, I sometimes get more joy out of editing than writing. I think it’s mostly because of how much it takes it out of me to write. But so far I’m still liking what I have written, so the book continues to stride forward to completion.

That’s all I have for you this time. I hope you all have a great week.


You Must Be Drunk link to the Amazon store here

What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy


Click here for a link to the book



Link to my author page on Amazon –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: You Must Be Drunk is published. Find it here. Did some writing, up to around 115% into the first draft, just doing some editing first before I write the last chapter.

Steven Oaks

Follow me on the things below.


Dune, My Thoughts

Hello again. Looky here, a blog post.

So another week has passed, and I finished reading another 4 books. Two were sequels, and two were new to me. I enjoyed myself, and added a few more hours to my balcony tea/coffee reading sessions because of it. All in all a good week for reading.

This weekend I watched the new Dune movie. Made a bit of a night of it. Had some homemade taco’s, and sat down in a darkened room. First of all it’s gorgeous. Everything is very well shot, and the CG spaceships, while silly and reminiscent of previous ones from other movies, are exceptionally well done. However that being said, not much happens in the movie plot wise. Sure there’s some machinations going on in the background, but it rarely interacts with the plot directly. Not a fault of the script, that’s just how Dune works. However as a movie it feels rather boring, and it doesn’t help that the shots linger for extended periods of time on scenes that are not conducive to the plot. They do service for the feel of the movie, but since by the end of the film not much has happened(nor does it even finish with the first book) it doesn’t feel well done. But if you are in the mood for an experience and aren’t worried about plot or characters over much, I would recommend it. I enjoyed watching it, but that mostly came from the company. Overall I think it’s a beautiful series of events. Worthy of putting up on a wall as art.

Otherwise I did some editing/writing. It went well. I didn’t change much, though I did move things around quite a bit. Something said awkwardly was soon rectified by switching the order. Had to do that a few times. I also added a bit to some descriptions that I found were missing. I tend to get on a roll, and all of a sudden something I thought was there before, now simply is missing. Easy enough to fix, but it does take a bit of vigilance when you are reading what you write. That’s why it’s recommended to let your chapters/books sit for a bit before you review them, as you are more likely to spot such things.

Anyway, that’s all I have for you right now. I hope you have a great week.


You Must Be Drunk link to the Amazon store here

What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy


Click here for a link to the book



Link to my author page on Amazon –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: You Must Be Drunk is published. Find it here. Did some writing, up to around 115% into the first draft, just doing some editing first before I write the last chapter.

Steven Oaks

Follow me on the things below.


Elvira Mistress of the Dark

Hello there. I’m back. Have a blog post.

So I wound up reading only 3 books this week. One was rather long, so you might call it four books for the week. All sequels again. What am I doing with my life? HEH. I’ve finally gotten to a point where I’ve read most of what I can find on Prime Reading that I want to read? Nah, I just go back to things I’ve liked in the past and hope for more. Right now I’m reading something that was recommended to me. It’s decent. So there’s that.

Anyway, movies. What did I watch? Um, Elvira Mistress of the Dark. Yes, I know. But come on. Samantha hadn’t seen it before. I liked it, and how cheesy it is. Elvira is the best, she just doesn’t care what other people think, and just does what she wants. Sigh, Samantha said it was just alright. Her favorite line was something like, “The principle will kill us. Then our Parents” “He’ll Kill your Parents?” I say the whole movie is funny, because I love back jokes. Samantha figures she just didn’t grow up with Elvira, so didn’t know the character. But, I mean, neither did I. I mean not really. Then again I feel I’ve know about her most of my life, so who knows?

Not much else to report, other than I continued editing. It looked good to me, and I only changed a couple of things here in there for clarification. Heh, I’m like the perfect audience for this book… I wrote it so yeah I like it. When I get some other eyes on it, at least more than I have already, I’ll have a better idea how it reads. But to my eyes I think I’m doing a decent job. So kudos to me!

Anyway, I’ll let you all go now. Sorry it was such a short post, but I’ve got nothing much else to add. I’m a boring guy who just mostly reads, writes, and watches old bad movies.

Have a great week.


You Must Be Drunk link to the Amazon store here

What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy


Click here for a link to the book



Link to my author page on Amazon –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: You Must Be Drunk is published. Find it here. Did some writing, up to around 115% into the first draft, just doing some editing first before I write the last chapter.

Steven Oaks

Follow me on the things below.


Albion/ boredom/Bloodsport

Hello again everyone. I hath returned, so here’s a post.

Another week, another vacant void of the vicious cycle. Nah, things were the usual. I read a bit, wound up finishing 5 since last time, so that’s good. I think it’s mostly because my new habit, and favorite part of the day. Sitting on my balcony drinking tea/coffee while I read. This is my morning(when I wake up, aka afternoon) ritual. It has helped fill up what has generally become a boring drag of existence… I fear in part to my shift and therefore sleep cycle being the opposite of most everyone else in the world. The other being my anti-social nature. Loud noises, bright lights, just anything that over stimulates me… I’m not a fan and can become quite grumpy when in those situations.

And while I mentioned Albion Online last week, I think I still like it. A weird thing for me. The relaxing nature of gathering goods(Wood, metal, stone, fiber, hides) I find relaxing. Yes I go about and do a bit of dungeon diving now and again, but what has been holding a little bit of interest has simply been me filling up my inventory. So far if I play the game while I watch something over on the second screen(on my computer) it has my attention. Now eventually I do get tired of grinding and hunting for goods… so when I shut it off it’s back to good old solitaire for another couple of hours. But it’s working for me, so that’s nice. Perhaps eventually I’ll have to find another hobby or something to distract me that I don’t have to think about for hours on end.

Speaking of hobbies where I do have to put my entire mind to it. I was doing my usual editing/writing, and oh goodness, it’s still going well. I was a little down with what I reviewed last week, but this week it seems a bit more polished. Lucky me, as trying to re-word things can sometimes be a real hassle. I think I rephrased only a couple of lines, maybe a few, but for the most part I left it alone. I find it read well. And looking at what I have so far, I’m about halfway through what I had written previously. I’m still pondering the true ending that I’ve yet to write, but I’m fairly sure what I want now. All that’s left is for me to get there.

As for movies we watched Bloodsport this weekend. Jean-Claude Van Damme stars in this movie as DUX… so when they start chanting his name during a winning streak it sounds like “DUCKS DUCKS DUCKS” and when the bad guy has his named chanted it sounds like “CHARLIE CHARLIE CHARLIE” though his name is Chong Li. We found it amusing. The other amusing thing is how fast the plot gets going. None stop till the Kumite starts… save for a flash back that turned into a montage… hilarious. It went on for a good 15 minutes, then we cut back to the present and Van Damme is still staring at a wall. Later in the movie we have yet another flash back, but this one is to what we just saw… unnecessary, and very funny. The other positive thing to say about the movie is how we watch the other fights, not just the ones with the protagonist, or just his group. It made the tournament fell more alive and real. So yes, I would recommend it, but just keep in mind it’s just for fun.

Anyway, that’s all I have for you this time. Have a great week.


You Must Be Drunk link to the Amazon store here

What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy


Click here for a link to the book



Link to my author page on Amazon –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: You Must Be Drunk is published. Find it here. Did some writing, up to around 115% into the first draft, just doing some editing first before I write the last chapter.

Steven Oaks

Follow me on the things below.


Albion Online, Psych, and Things

Hello all. I hath returned.

So what have I been up to this week? Well first off, I’ve grown bored already of Flare. Don’t get me wrong it’s fine for what it is, I just don’t feel like playing it anymore. So instead I gave Albion Online another try. Well, looking into it deeper, much like FFXIV, there’s no class lock. You can do whatever with whichever character you’re playing. Just work on the skill, and wear/use the right equipment, and there you go. However it does feel, at least early on, that class quests and the like are sparse if non-existent. Also it’s point and click movement, which might put some people off, but I found it better than the somewhat tank controls of Flare. As it is, I’m bored. I don’t think I can play games anymore, I get bored too easy. Or maybe I’ve just not been in the right mood.

Speaking of moods, I finally finished all seasons of Psych. Sigh. Kind of sad now. What else should I do with my time, I mean besides read? Now having seen every episode, several twice, I can speak about it a bit. I think the show doesn’t really hit it’s stride until maybe season 3 or 4. Then you notice a real uptick in the budget, and things start to get crazy, and fun. The constant pop-culture references, mostly 80’s, and the rapid fire banter are always fun, but the cinematography, and the location shots start to really fire off at this point. And let us not forget the remixes of the opening song when the show calls for it. My personal favorite is the “Bollywood” remix. It’s very catchy. I don’t think I’m alone in missing this show. My own history with it was when it was on late night cable when I worked overnight at a hotel, however those episodes only came from maybe the first two seasons. While fun, the really meat, like I’ve implied, doesn’t really start until later. Now I can say I’m a real fan. I’ll miss you Shawn and Guster, you were entertaining.

As for reading, only three books finished this time. Again all sequels, but one especially stands out. Not that the other two were any worse, but because of the strange and amusing nature of this book. Arachnomancer book 2. Yeah, you die, you go to the after life. The after life is basically an MMORPG, but the first thing you have to do is choose the divinity you wish to follow… what’s that, your finger slipped? Well no take backsies. Have arachnophobia? Well it’s just too bad you selected the spider god. Good luck with that. The first book was a ton of fun to read, and the second one picks right back up where we left off. So you can say I had a great time, and look forward to the next book.

Writing and Editing?

Yes. I did this. And the book is coming along fine. My coffee didn’t hit as hard as I would have liked, but I did indeed do some editing. What I had seemed to need a little more work that previous sections, but I think I got it smoothed out.

That’s all I have for now. Have a great week.


You Must Be Drunk link to the Amazon store here

What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy


Click here for a link to the book



Link to my author page on Amazon –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: You Must Be Drunk is published. Find it here. Did some writing, up to around 115% into the first draft, just doing some editing first before I write the last chapter.

Steven Oaks

Follow me on the things below.


Flare, and an Invisible Movie

Hello friends. I’m back with the weekly update… are you ready? Good.

Alright, so some of you may be aware that I used to be a pretty big gamer. I liked my PC gaming quite a lot, and would spend many an hour a day grinding away at whatever latest thing took my interest. It has been many years since that has been the case. I’ve been bored with most everything, even while I still appreciate the work that goes into making them. However lately I’ve developed a need to play something. I wanted to level up, get more powerful as I play, and do a bit of monster hunting. Oh and it would have to work with Linux. Well looky there, a game called Flare came up when I searched the software manager within Linux. Let’s see what it’s about. It appears as though it’s like Diablo. Cool. Now I can’t sit here and tell you that I played every hour over the weekend, more like 3, but I did enjoy it. It’s just hard enough that you aren’t blasting through everything, but at the same time it’s not overly difficult. A good balance, and finding new equipment isn’t so rare that you just have to purchase everything with the gold you acquire, though that is an option as you find new merchants. So yes, I’m having a decent time. We’ll see how long I feel like continuing to play.

Next Samantha and I watched a movie. It was called Mr. Superinvisible. Oh boy, what the heck was this? It felt like one of those old made for TV Disney films, but it was more adult, and even more importantly insane and poorly edited. One moment you’d be watching someone do something, then even before they were done talking another scene would pop up. Anyway a viral scientist is sent a sample of an experiment from a colleague from India, who through work on the common cold has led to a side affect causing invisibility. Through shenanigans he doesn’t realize what he has, and accidentally ingests part of the sample, along with a monkey of course. After that things go weird, and he uses his new found power to stalk the woman he likes when she’s on a date with another man and does everything in his power to mess it up. FUN. Then things get weird. Is this movie any good? Well no. Is it weirdly fun and funny? YES. The dialogue can be a treat, and if you are anything like myself and Samantha you’ll have no choice but to think about this movie for years to come.

As for reading, I finished 4 books this week. YAY? All four sequels, all four decent. I dunno, I’m just happy that I didn’t feel like I was forcing myself to read at any point this week. That has been happening more and more lately. Maybe I’m just reading the wrong thing, or maybe I read so much that I’m facing burnout. Oh well. Off I go to read more.

Now on to writing/editing. How’s it going? Well enough. I’m quite liking what I read, even as I fix tiny things in sentences. Maybe one day I’ll look at what I’ve written and not feel like I could do better. Then again, that might lead to less polished books. So I”ll continue to shine this story up, and hope to have it out next year.

Well that’s all I have for you this time. Have a great week.


You Must Be Drunk link to the Amazon store here

What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy


Click here for a link to the book



Link to my author page on Amazon –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: You Must Be Drunk is published. Find it here. Did some writing, up to around 115% into the first draft, just doing some editing first before I write the last chapter.

Steven Oaks

Follow me on the things below.


I’m Done Trying FFXIV

Hello friends. It’s been another week, and here I am again.

I’m not sure there’s much to talk about save more issues with computer things. First up, I’ve been trying to get Final Fantasy XIV online to work for over a week now. Mind you I’m in Windows, and still nothing. The hoops you have to jump through to even get an account are ridiculous. From what I read about others experiences, and those of my friends who have tried, you generally can’t just make one that first day. You’ll get an error, and you have to wait 24hrs to try again. Okay, so I did that… and oops the code that got sent to my email, well, I accidentally closed the browser that had the page loaded up for the code… meaning I had to wait yet another 24hrs to try again. I did so, and now I have an account. But wait, you need to have an oauth generated code for square/enix… meaning I had to download an app for my phone that would have that code continually generated. I did so, but still the game didn’t load up. So I wait yet another 24hrs and tried again. Same error, fun. Now I’m done. I’m not going to be trying this again. As wonderful and as much praise as this game is getting it’s not worth all this hassle. It wasn’t even worth 2 days of this, but I figured I’d give the best go I can, and now I leave disappointed. Who’s to say I’d even like it, but I just wanted to give it another try.

And yet another computer issue. The same I’ve been having for weeks now, my WIFI went out yet again. In fact I’m writing this now in hopes that it’ll magically come back to life again, but maybe it won’t and I’ll have to figure out another way to post this. (Restarted the computer multiple times seems to have done it)

As for reading, again only 3 finished. Trying computer things have taken their tole on my reading time. Oh well, good stuff, and fun reads otherwise. The long awaited sequel to World’s Strongest Farmer, the sequel to Artificial Jelly, and the weird thing that is Vampire Sorcerer.

Otherwise writing/editing has gone well. I did change a bit of sentence structure, but for the most part everything read decently. I keep thinking I might want to add something here and there, but then I come back and read what was already written and I’m not sure if it needs it. It was mostly a bit more world building, nothing that was needed for the narrative, and it looks like it doesn’t have a place just yet. Maybe if I write a sequel or something.

Anyway, that’s all I have for you this time. I hope you all have a great week.


You Must Be Drunk link to the Amazon store here

What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy


Click here for a link to the book



Link to my author page on Amazon –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: You Must Be Drunk is published. Find it here. Did some writing, up to around 115% into the first draft, just doing some editing first before I write the last chapter.

Steven Oaks

Follow me on the things below.


Dang you Windows… and some movies

Hello folks. Here I am again, aren’t you glad?

So gosh darn computer issues all over again. What pray tell were they? Well, once again the WiFi refused to turn on… dang it. But before that I journeyed back into windows again. And wouldn’t you know it all sorts of updates decided to go on in the background without alerting me. I really hate that crap. I like to be made aware so that I can give my approval, but no, Windows certainly thinks we’re all idiots and don’t know anything about computers, so here, have an update that breaks things.

So why was I on Windows? Well I wanted to see about this Final Fantasy Online game I’ve been hearing good things about. After downloading it, it of course refused to let me make an account. How nice of them. So I figured, since the rest of my little online group of people enjoyed Path of Exile, I’ll give it a go in Windows since I wasn’t able to make it work in Linux… I didn’t try very hard, but heck, since I was here I went ahead and downloaded figuring things would just run… after hours of downloading, and the computer restarting several times due to the aforementioned updates, I started up the game. And guess what? Of course it didn’t work. I got an error, that looking online said that there was nothing you could do about. PEACHY!

This was about the time I was getting pretty upset. So of course the WiFi decided to stop working in Windows. So like a good little Linux loving guy, I ran back to my favorite operating system… oh and guess what, the WiFi wasn’t working there either… FUN! So frustrated, and giving up on computers for a moment, I turned it off… after having connected it via the Ethernet just to see if updating or something would help, which it didn’t.

Hours later, I said, I wonder if perhaps it’ll fix itself like it did last time… YUP. So my thought now is that the WiFi card I have is faulty, and keeps knocking itself out. How nice. FRUSTRATED!

But besides that I found that the book series that I’m reading right now had a TV show made at some point. The Dresden Files… is the show good? Eh, it’s fine. However it’s almost nothing like the book, which is disappointing. Really he’s driving a Jeep in the show… come on man, he’s supposed to be driving the Blue Beetle… VW LIFE BABY!

Otherwise I watched a few movies. The first being Time After Time… HG Wells invents a time machine, and Jack the Ripper steals it and travels to 1979… Wells goes forward and hunts him down. I liked it. Well shot, fun premise, and just bonkers enough to be enjoyable.

After that it was YOR, Hunter of the Future. Oh boy, this one is wacky, and so much fun. I highly recommend it. I’m somewhat sad that we watched the Rifftracks version, as I think we could have riffed on it quite well on our own, but it was outstandingly cheesy, and had some stellar bad music. I loved it, and wish there was more.

Last of all we watched Time Bandits, though this time we did so with the commentary track on our Criterion Collection Blue-ray. It was interesting to hear about all the little things about the making of the flim, and you get three of the Pythons in on it, though all of them separate, and really only Gilliam for the most part. However, it was all great fun. The movie looks amazing in blue-ray, so I can recommend that. The reason we watched it with the commentary, besides me just being interested, is because I think it can be a little slow. Even with the constant talking going on with the commentary it still felt rather long, so my recollection of it feeling a bit bloated likely hold true. Still a fun film.

Otherwise I wound up reading three books again. A couple of Dresden, and a Wuxia that I’ve been reading out on the balcony at night.

Writing wise, I’m still editing. It’s going well, though I did have to fix quite a bit of sentences that I didn’t like the way they were written. They felt a little clunky, and I spent a bit more time than usual working on the book because of it. But things are progressing.

Well, that’s all I have for you this time. I hope you have a great week.


You Must Be Drunk link to the Amazon store here

What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy


Click here for a link to the book



Link to my author page on Amazon –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: You Must Be Drunk is published. Find it here. Did some writing, up to around 115% into the first draft, just doing some editing first before I write the last chapter.

Steven Oaks

Follow me on the things below.


A Couple of movies/ A classic, and trash

Hello again. Another week, another post. Here we go.

We wound up watching a couple of movies over the weekend. And what they were might shock you!

Up first was Vampire Dog. Was it good? NO… was it fun to watch with Samantha? YUP. While totally cheesy and meant for children, the most amusing thing about it was the fact that it felt like some random AI wrote the script. It was all over the place. Ignore continuity, for sure. But in the end it was fun to rip into. You have your basic tropes. New Kid, New School… Has a hard time fitting in. But oh wait, he inherits something, in this case a dog… that talks and helps him through things. Though the unquenchable hunger for… wait for it… Red Jelly, does sometimes get in the way. Do I recommend this film? Nah, but if you want to waste some time out of curiosity, it’s amusing enough.

Next up was a classic. It’s a Mad Mad World from 1963. Well, this was meant to be a comedy, and perhaps some would find it so, but I’m going to have to agree with Samantha that this was just stressful. A bunch of people witness a man careen off the road and go down to help. The man claims there’s a bunch of money buried under a big W 200 miles away… and the race is on. Shenanigans ensue, and several more people are added to the race, all the while the police are watching on letting all of them do whatever they want, just so they can find where the money is. The cast are rather famous, and the cameo’s are even more famous people, so that was fun to see. But like I said everything is just chaos and dumb decisions that lead to property damage, and even injury. If this weren’t a comedy several people would have died. The cool thing about the movie though is the stunt driving, and even flying. That is very well done. But in the end the only likable character is a truck driver, who states at one point that they have to pay taxes on the money… poor innocent guy. I say this even though he basically single-handedly, and barehanded, destroys an entire gas station in anger. Was it good? I guess, but it wasn’t what I would call comedy or funny. It was more interesting than anything.

As for reading, I finished up 4 books since last I posted, so there’s that. We’re they good? Eh, they were alright. Nothing here that makes me want to recommend them unless you are into something very particular to the series. All fantasy, and for the most part all comedic in some nature.

Now editing. I got through a bit more of the book, and things are going well. Unfortunately I didn’t have as much time this weekend to work on it, so I only worked on a single chapter. But it read well enough, and things are progressing.

And with that, that’s all I have for you. Have a great week.


You Must Be Drunk link to the Amazon store here

What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy


Click here for a link to the book



Link to my author page on Amazon –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: You Must Be Drunk is published. Find it here. Did some writing, up to around 115% into the first draft, just doing some editing first before I write the last chapter.

Steven Oaks

Follow me on the things below.


Computer Issues/The Saint

Hello again. I have returned, and yes a blog post follows.

So I just spent several hours trying to figure out why my WiFi on my computer wouldn’t start. How fun is that? Oh Linux, aren’t you just a ball of enjoyment. After doing some digging online(Via my phone) I found that sometimes the BIOS decides to turn off the wifi, and will only turn back on if you press the WiFi key up in the F numbers. Well, that didn’t work. When I booted up Windows(Yes I still technically dual boot) it was working fine so I figured everything was honky-dory. Nope. Sigh, so looking for a bit of the old command line mojo I tried a few things. That didn’t seem to work even after reboot. So I figured I’d finally drag the old machine into the other room and hook it up via the Ethernet and see if an update would fix some things.. Hey, sure the internet worked… and for no reason, because I hadn’t hooked it up yet. WTH? So I guess things turned out okay, so yippee. But if it happens again I’m unsure what finally unstuck the WiFi so that’s not too handy.

Anyway, yes I read some books. I finished 3. I guess my average is down now that I spend so much time watching Psych instead of reading on my down time. Oh well, Psych is great. Just got started into season 6, and the show still is going strong. That being said, I was just pleased as punch to read the latest in the Dragon Heart series by Kirill Klevanski. These books are stupendous. Of course you might want to be into the whole cultivation/wuxia notion to get the full enjoyment out of them. Russian author too, so neat. Only downside is we have to wait on the translations, but they do a fantastic job, and I hardly ever find anything that doesn’t seem to sound right, which can’t be said for the majority of the Chinese novels I’ve read. So yeah, I recommend Dragon Heart.

Also we watched a movie. What movie you ask? Well how about a little movie called The Saint with Val Kilmer? That’s right. If you don’t know what it’s about, let me explain. An orphan who was raised in a church grows up and becomes a super spy, though he works for himself. All the while taking on different personalities and disguises while naming himself after various saints. In this movie he’s after the cold fusion formula for a Russian Mob/Business man. I personally like it because it was one of the first movies that I watched that tried to depict Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union. And of course I was a fan of Val Kilmer of this era. Anyhoo, it’s a ton of fun, and that’s me saying this after having seen it at least a dozen times.

As for writing, it’s going well. At least editing wise it is. I’m enjoying the story and the characters I made this time through, which is nice. It had been some time since I last visited this beginning section, so I’m happy it seems to be standing up after so long. I’ve changed very little, save a bit of rewording, and the occasional mistyped word. So things are going great on that front.

But that’s all I have for you this time. I hope you all have a great week.


You Must Be Drunk link to the Amazon store here

What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy


Click here for a link to the book



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Update: You Must Be Drunk is published. Find it here. Did some writing, up to around 115% into the first draft, just doing some editing first before I write the last chapter.

Steven Oaks

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