Bright and Lilyhammer

Hello all, I have returned.

So it’s been awhile since I’ve last posted, and an equal amount of time since I set myself to work on my latest book. Why might you ask did I take leave of such efforts? Well, the winter holiday’s do take a toll, and my sleep schedule had been of course disrupted leaving me in no state to compose appropriate words to tell a tale. Though in that time I was able to passively to consume the visual media.

First I want to talk about a little show called Lilyhammer. With a mixture of Fargo and many a mafia based movie, this series has a charm that is lacking in many a show. Set in Norway, a mob informant is sent to hide from would-be revenge seeking mafia members. There he returns to his criminal ways, though mostly with good intentions of improving the life of those he meets, his most of all of course. His views are challenged, even as he challenges those he meets. I’m currently in the second season, and it still holds its appeal. While “Johnny” is an obvious stereotype, going so far as to quote lines from famous mob movies in most episodes, he has his own charm. If you liked Fargo, and don’t mind subtitles every now and again, I’d say give this a watch. At times it comes off as a parody, but it has its heart in the right place.

I also just watched the Netflix original movie called Bright. I found it to be entertaining, and interesting. Not the most wonderful movie ever, but I don’t think it deserves the hate it seems to be getting from critics. A second movie is in the works, and I will gladly watch it if it is anywhere near as good as this one was. Fantasy meets gritty cop drama in this film, and it does a great job of mixing the genre’s. Give it a watch.

With that I’ll leave you until next time, and hopefully it won’t be weeks from now.



What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy

Outsiders-Book-Cover-RGB-web-safeClick here for a link to the book



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Update: 113.9% of first draft complete.

Steven Oaks

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