
Greetings. I have returned.

Another week has passed, and in that time I’ve read a few books and watched a few things. And of course I’ve worked. Longer hours than the average week, and in the daylight no less, have left me tired. Editing was still done, but the weariness I feel perhaps has made it a little more difficult to process such things.

This time around I’m implementing an audio component to my editing. Meaning my computer is reading aloud the words. So far I’ve caught a few things that didn’t sound correct when spoken, so there is that. Though honestly they could have stayed, but I suppose I’m trying to make this book the best it can be. Perhaps I’m worrying too much about it, but a little bit of perfectionism never hurt anything. That is as long as you know nothing is perfect, and know when something is good enough. Otherwise I’ll be editing this book until the end of time, and I have other things I want to write.

Speaking of writing, I finally realized what I should do with a book I was working on before this one. I was watching an anime, one that has very little to do with this half-finished book I’m writing, and something clicked. Certain story elements stood out to me then. This happens now and again, and I’m thankful that I cast a wide net for the media I consume. Perhaps not in the literature field, but certainly the sources I entertain myself with. It’s interesting to see what different cultures think of as important, and what they focus on. Just a tiny little shift from the norm, and there you have it. An idea.

It makes me want to take up the keyboard again, and write a story instead of the constant editing for this book. However, I’m a single-minded worker, so I’ll put the editing first. Luckily I’ll have something to work with when I get back to writing. But this means I’ll likely want to be working on my half-finished book as well as the new book that the co-author has in mind. Since our pacing is different, and since I’ve seen how effective working on a couple of different projects at a time might help any difficulties one may have in having writers block, I see this as a good thing.

If you ever find yourself stuck, take some time to work on something else. I’ve done that now and again, and that’s perhaps why I have a few projects in the works that are only partially thought through. I have three books that have several chapters written, and one that simply has one. Of those one is nearly halfway finished, or perhaps a third, it’s hard to tell with the way I write. I didn’t set a word limit, nor did I make an outline, other than in my head, so knowing how far along I am is difficult. Perhaps when I get back to it I’ll do both, and see where I am.

That being said, another thing about writing, write down your ideas, you may forget them. You wake up from a dream that was really interesting? Write it down. Have a notebook, or use your phone, but always make a note. Stuck on a book, and a random thought strikes you, back it up to paper. You may not use the idea, but you’ll have a direction you can work from, or perhaps you’ll use it for another book. You can’t count on inspiration when your writing, so trust those little thoughts you have when you aren’t working.

Besides the entertainment value, this is why I like to read, and to watch movies and TV. Heck inspiration comes from random YouTube videos as well. I never know when something interesting will appear, and the story elements, or structure, might spark something within me as well. Not everything will work, but it will let your mind have more information to work with. So yes, it may seem I’m just wasting time watching some random anime, but to me I’m researching. At least that’s what I tell people.

So with that, I’ll leave you. I hope you have an enjoyable week. Until next time, good-bye.

What I’ve published

Walk On

Walk On Cover

click here for a link to the book

Outsider Trilogy


Click here for a link to the book



Link to my author page on Amazon –

Link to the Deathship book in the CreateSpace store –

Or you can help me out on Patreon. Again, thank you.

Update: An estimated 85% into editing

Steven Oaks

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